* Contact the Priest, who will inform the teacher. (Form to be completed before classes start)
* 4 weeks of classes with both parents and godparents (if possible). Classes have to be completed.
* Liturgy coordinator to be informed by priest before the actual baptism so that it can be included in the liturgy.
* A week before the baptism, parents and godparents to have short rehersal so that the ritual is understood.
* Baptims to take place during the Sunday Liturgy.
* Stipend to be given to the Priest on day of Baptism.
* Parents to prepare at least one prayer of intercession and hand it over to liturgy coordinator before Mass.
* Parents and godparents to be at Mass 30 minutes before Mass start for preparation.
* Symbol needed for baptism will be inform by baptism coordinator
* Baptism Certificate to be given to parents by Priest Sunday after Baptism.
* In order for this sacrament to be conferred in the parish, parents need to be registered members of the parish.
* During baptism ceremony, no photographer allowed in the Sanctuary.